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Writer's pictureTiffany Edwards CPT

How Do You WANT To Feel In 2025?

Family celebrating the New Year.

Welcome to the final stretch of 2024!

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been deep in reflection mode these last few days.

One of the biggest lessons I learned this year was just how far gratitude can get you when life gets tough. I spent more time finding joy in the little things, slowing down, and really appreciating all that my body carries me through.

The result has led me to creating more time for rest and being gentler with my mind and body.

That said, I’m looking forward to 2025!

Instead of just focusing on what I’ll DO next year and giving myself an impossible list of resolutions…

I’m focusing on how I want to FEEL.

For example? If you’re working on taking charge of your health and building better habits, think about how you want to feel in that journey.

●       Do you want to feel more flexible and lighter as you move through your day?

●       Do you want to feel energized so you can devote more time to your passions?

●       Do you want to feel more confident so you can set a better example for your kids?

From here, it’s easier to create a game plan.

Instead of getting bogged down by the specifics of what you need to do, you can start aligning your daily actions with how you want to feel.

That way, the changes you make feel like a choice… not a chore.

And if you want more help figuring out what this looks like for you? We're here to support you!

Schedule a wellness consultation today and let's get started on a game plan together.

Remember, life is a marathon, not a sprint…

So let’s find ways to make 2025 your happiest and healthiest year yet.

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