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Writer's pictureTiffany Edwards CPT

Holiday Treats Aren't The Problem...

Holiday party table.

Back before I felt comfortable on my own health journey, the holidays felt like a back-and-forth between enjoying myself and feeling guilty afterward.

I’d think things like, “I shouldn’t have eaten that” or “I really should’ve worked out more.”

Maybe you can relate?

The truth is, a lot of us end up “should-ing” ourselves all season long.

We indulge, then immediately regret it, feeling like we need to make up for it somehow.

But here’s what I’ve learned: owning your decisions can be a much healthier way to go.

Instead of feeling like you’re breaking some “rule”, what if you could simply make a choice to enjoy yourself and move on without the guilt?

I call this “mindful indulgence”—which means deciding, in the moment, to enjoy a treat or take a rest day because it’s what you want, without stewing on it afterward.

In fact, research backs this up.

Letting yourself make choices you feel good about and moving on, rather than beating yourself up over them, helps you stay on track more effectively over time.

For you, that could look like:

●       Deciding to take an extra rest day because your body needs it

●       Enjoying a favorite holiday treat without planning to “balance it out” later

●       Skipping meal prep one weekend to enjoy a dinner out with friends, guilt-free

Yes, I want to encourage you to stick to your meal plan as much as possible…

And yes, it’s great to make time for moving your body, going to bed on time, and drinking your water…

But if you do indulge, try simply owning that decision and moving on.

That’s the best way to keep moving forward right now.


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